Good Work
I decided a few months ago to get a part-time job. My intentions weren't just for some extra cash but to widen my networks of non-Christian friends. Being part of a church community and studying fulltime at theo college I don't get a lot of exposure to non-Christians. So I got a job in a coffee shop back in July. It didn't take long, however, to find out that two people were Christians (and studied theology a few years back). Then a third person revealed that they too were a Christian (and a good friend of a friend). Not long after, a fourth person said to me that they were interested in becoming a school chaplain. Then just the other day a fifth person said they were going to do their prac at a Christian school (they are also going out with a Christian family friend). After I asked, they did say they too were a Christian. So God does have a sense of humour and it is great to know there is a lot of Christians working there. Yet there is still room for gospel discussion with others. Please pray for me to have boldness to speak and to live out the gospel at work.
good on ya mully! will pray for opportunities at work and in your life in general...and that god will send you some "regulars" to whom you are destined to be a link in the chain... ;)
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